Rabu, 19 Oktober 2016


Week 5
Oct 9-22, 2016
Smartphone Apps that you love

There are some applications that I use a lot but there are some applications that I loved and that I use most frequently

    Applications that my first love is the BBM (Blackberry Messenger), I love this application because it is very easy to use and almost everybody uses this fuel applications both parents, youth, till even children are already using this application. This application provides a chat room with a variety of data that can be sent or distributed either individually or chat group chat or a chat room used by several people or groups. In this application there are already emoticon nice and funny that we can use to make the conversation more interesting and more exciting, but unfortunately its application this still there are some shortcomings so that a profile picture that is not HD when in use, and too many ads on the giver of knowledge of her.
    Facebook and Instagram are included in some of the applications that I love. Facebook is a phenomenal application friendships even the creator of Facebook is already included in the category of the richest people in the world. This application is used for a variety of images, stories, and we can talk through Facebook chat. Disadvantages of these applications are just too many fake accounts. For those of you who want to add my right as Friend Facebook can add my Facebook account "Tri Marwanto". The next application is Instagram. Instagram is an application that is engaged in the photo gallery or as private photos and videos for this application can only upload photos and video only. For those of you who are curious and want to add me as a friend on Instagram can directly follow my account "@Try_marwanto". Disadvantages of this application is just large data users currently in use.

Those are some applications that I like and I love, thank you for reading my blog.

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